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Timings of the Day

School Day from September 2023

08:35 - Gates Open

08:45 - Morning Registration for EYFS & KS1

08:50 - Morning Registration for KS2

10:20 - 10:35 - Morning break

12:00 - 13:00 - Lunchtime

15:10 - Gates open to parents

15:15 - End of the day for EYFS & KS1

15:20 - End of the day for KS2



08:45 - 15:15 = 32 hours 30 minutes



08:50 - 15:20 = 32 hours 30 minutes


A member of the Senior Leadership Team will be on the gates every morning and afternoon.

Office Opening Times:

We ask parents/carers to only enter the office for an urgent matter- please contact us by email or telephone wherever possible. 


Monday - 08:45 - 16:30

Tuesday - 08:45 - 16:30

Wednesday - 08:45 - 16:30

Thursday - 08:45 - 16:30

Friday - 08:45 - 16:30


Phone Lines

Phones will open from 08:30 - 08:45, then again from 09:00 - 16:30 (Mon-Thurs) 16:00 (Fri).

Our telephone number is: 01702 230911



Gates open at 07:30 - 08:15 for Breakfast/Morning Clubs, then again at 08:35 - 08:50 for pupil entry and registration.

Visits: 2 2 2 8 8 3